Different Kinds of Engraving Techniques

E ngraving is a traditional printmaking art, which involves incising creative designs and visuals onto the metal and non-metal surface using an engraving pen or tool . You can engrave an attractive design or visual on a variety of surface materials like glass, paper, silver, gold, plastic, etc. Hence, you can create impressive designs on any material surface through vital engraving techniques that are old artwork concepts developed by the experts . This art is still used in creating a variety of engraved labels, tags, and phenolic engraved products as well . ALSO READ: How to Make Beautiful Stainless Steel Engraved Nameplates? Nowadays, engraving techniques is good for developing engraved metal nameplates, tags, labels, specialty tags, etc. Among all types of engraved items, there is huge demand seen for engraved phenolic labels and tags . Here, phenolic is a resin-based material and has a good application in engraving field for developing engraved labels and tags ...