Is this possible to Laser Engrave Stainless Steel?

You might have gone through certain websites or videos stating the ways to laser engrave stainless steel. But the fact is that you cannot and should not laser engrave the stainless steel. Why? Let us understand the reason. Laser Engraving Destroys the Upper Protective Layer of Stainless Steel Stainless steel is different from other alloys and laser engraving on this metal alloy can lead to corrosion. Corrosion occurs due to the loss of protective coat. The upper layer of this metal is made up of the chromium oxide which protects the underneath steel. Chromium oxide layer is the uppermost protective layer is the stainless steel. The formation of chromium oxide occurs due to the natural reaction of chromium and oxygen. This layer protects the inner metal from corrosion by hiding it from oxygen interaction. Any kind of digging via laser or any other sort of label engravers can cause stainless steel to lose its upper protective layer. The laser etched stainless steels catch rus...