Is this possible to Laser Engrave Stainless Steel?


You might have gone through certain websites or videos stating the ways to laser engrave stainless steel. But the fact is that you cannot and should not laser engrave the stainless steel. Why? Let us understand the reason.

Laser Engraving Destroys the Upper Protective Layer of Stainless Steel

Stainless steel is different from other alloys and laser engraving on this metal alloy can lead to corrosion. Corrosion occurs due to the loss of protective coat. The upper layer of this metal is made up of the chromium oxide which protects the underneath steel.

Chromium oxide layer is the uppermost protective layer is the stainless steel. The formation of chromium oxide occurs due to the natural reaction of chromium and oxygen. This layer protects the inner metal from corrosion by hiding it from oxygen interaction. Any kind of digging via laser or any other sort of label engravers can cause stainless steel to lose its upper protective layer. The laser etched stainless steels catch rust very easily, hence, getting their life reduced.

What is the Alternate for Laser Etched Stainless Steel?

Yes, we know that you need to have the marks or labels or specifications on your stainless steel mandatorily. Well, you have another option to achieve this – Laser Annealing.

Laser annealed stainless steel can live long because of no protective layer eruption. The technology can be helpful in getting any kind of logo or specific notes or measurements on the metal. The experts use fiber laser machine to mark the permanent and non-destructive marks on the stainless steel.

How does Laser Annealing Work?

This special technique melts the upper protective coating for few milliseconds and directly reach the steel underneath. During this time, only controllable and manageable level of oxygen can reach the underneath steel. Further, once the purpose is done, the chromium oxide layer gets back to its shape after cooling, hence, protecting the steel.

There might be a color difference in the stainless steel due to oxidation. But there is nothing to worry about; instead, the mark print will appear beautiful and permanent. So, you see there is no harm to the steel and the purpose is also achieved.

That is why stainless-steel engraved plates or any other products are not worth buying. People belonging to different professions or households use stainless steel products for different purposes. If you are investing your money, invest on the right stainless-steel products. Let us understand the expectations laser annealing fulfills.

Here are some of the benefits and expected results laser annealing offers:

·         It offers the high contrast permanent marks of logo or any desired thing.

·         You can get the work done in customized way with your color selection.

·         Low maintenance with no bumps or cracks on the product.

To get the mark in the most detailed and best manner, you can contact the experts. Not only will they suggest the ways but you can get some testing done before making a decision also. With their help, you can get the best quotes and color selections according to your product too. Much more details you can grab once you contact a laser annealing expert.

To know more about laser etched stainless steel or laser annealing, you can contact us via calling at 800-815-7850 or visit us at


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