Why is VIN or Chassis Number is Important?

VIN Plates

There are a lot of important and minute details that are mentioned on the bike or on the certificate that come along with it. People usually have this perception that the most important details of the bike are its number plate and the details mentioned in the vehicle registration certificate. There is a feeling that these are the only things that identify your vehicle. We are here to debunk this belief because if in case your bike is stolen it will be very easy to change the appearance of the bike and change the number plate. This is exactly where the importance of VIN plates is recognized. Bike manufacturers print this VIN through which anyone can easily access the history of the bike.

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Let us further understand what the VIN in depth is and how these VIN and the chassis number are related:

What Is The VIN On A Bike?

VIN is an acronym for a vehicle identification number. There are 17 characteristics including both alphabets and numbers which make up the vehicle identification number. It forms a very unique number that could never match the number of any other vehicle. It will give you many details about the vehicle which include the age of your bike, information on the insurance, and other registration details. Every vehicle a bike, car, or another commercial vehicle of them has got its VPN plates.

What Is The Chassis Number On A Bike?

At first, let’s debunk the most common perception that the chassis number and the engine number are the same but no they are not. Chassis number makes up the last 6 characteristics of the bike's VIN. The engine number on the other hand is usually mentioned on the engine of the bike. The engine number is responsible to give knowledge about the life and manufacturing details of the engine.

More about the Vehicle Identification Number

So as we have discussed that the last six digits of the VIN are termed as the chassis number, let us further understand the use of the other 11 numbers presented before.

·        World Manufacturer Identifier

The first 3 digits of the VIN represent the manufacturer of the vehicle and the country of origin.

 ·        Vehicle Descriptor Section

The next digits from numbers 4 to 9 will represent the type of model and the body type of the vehicle.

 ·        Vehicle Identifier Section

The vehicle identifier section will include the rest of the characters from number 10 to number 17 which has the model number, engine number, and the plant code.

How to Find the Chassis Number of the Bike

2 different methods can be followed to identify the same-

·        Offline Method

In general, one can find the chassis number on the motor of the vehicle or the steering neck. Another way is to simply refer to the registration certificate to find the number. 

·        Online Method

Simply log in on a government portal of VAHAN and access the details by providing general information about the vehicle. Though, VIN plates play an essential role in the identification process.

If you are looking for the best nameplate manufacturers in the United States, For instance, you can contact “Machine Plates Online”, which is a trusted printing service company in the United States.

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